The era of Artificial Intelligence is here! Seize the opportunity!

Welcome to the MSU Vision 2020 AI/ML Center of Excellence Program.

The MSU Vision 2020 AI/ML Center of Excellence program is launched for Academic Year 2022-23 with MSU Baroda Faculty of Technology and Engineering leadership and is open to all students from all departments of Techo.

There are four macro trends in a rapidly evolving AI/ML landscape:

  • Cloud: This is a big deal. It has also enabled the SaaS business model and enabled the growth and proliferation of hundreds of software companies (traditional SW, ML-enabled SW, mobile)

  • Data: Both consumer data and corporate data have exploded in the last decade and are showing no signs of slowing down; on the other hand, the cost of data storage continues to drop

  • Compute: Compute power has grown exponentially while becoming less expensive

  • Machine Learning: The sophistication of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms has been powered by advancements in computing and data. Data science has become the hottest skill in the market today and will remain a hot skill for the next decade

The MSU Vision 2020 AI/ML COE goals are to fully fund this program for an initial period of 4 years:

  • Ph.D. Program: enable the Ph.D. program for AI/ML and recruitment of additional renowned faculty.

  • Skills Development: for students and research in AI/ML at the Ph.D. level

  • Advanced AI/ML Curriculum: Develop and offer cross-discipline and cross-department courses in ML including coursework in Python and R.

  • AI Lab: Establish access to cloud resources like AWS and on-premise lab with advanced servers

  • Access: Open to all department students to join the AI/ML COE after the appropriate screening.

For students.

Any student with an interest and aptitude to learn and earn credits on AI/ML can apply and join this program. If selected, these students will be enrolled in a set of coursework and specialized AI/ML labs.

For faculty.

The MSU Baroda Techo faculty will advance its academic goals and attract the best and brightest minds on AI/ML.